Rod Building class
Our first rod building class for February will be pushed back a week to Monday, Feb 24, 2024.
If you are planning on building a rod at the class and haven’t gotten your materials yet, please let me know.
David Cook
Our first rod building class for February will be pushed back a week to Monday, Feb 24, 2024.
If you are planning on building a rod at the class and haven’t gotten your materials yet, please let me know.
David Cook
The HOAFF spring seminar this year features Ed Engle, a Colorado fisherman who has fished the world over for over 50 years. Ed presented to the club 20 some years ago, and we are fortunate to have him back. Ed specializes in tying and fishing small flies (yes they do catch big fish). Ed has written articles for many magazines and journals, and has authored many books, including "Seasonal, A Life Outside" and "Fishing and Tying Small Flies" just to name two. You won't want to miss this event.
General information and reminder
24 Jun Tue | 'Frontline Fly Fishing Member Meeting'
17 Jun Tue | 'Frontline Fly Fishing Member Meeting'